old cabin - original (full) view |
I finished my 'old cabin' painting and then started playing around with different views - closer views of the image - to see if the impact changed. Here are a few of those...
A. old cabin - close up crop |
For this view the total frame is filled with the cabin. Very little interest around it.
B. old cabin - crop is right / top |
In this view the cabin is horizontally oriented toward the right of the frame and vertically a bit biased toward the top. There is more motion indicated in the swooping ground work which flows from right to left and there is a color splash on the left in the sky creating additional interest.
C. old cabin - crop left/bottom |
This is the opposite crop to the preceding view. I think there is still motion and interest but the view feels very different to me.
What do you think? A, B, or C, or stick to the full original?