Finished a new work, called Facets. This is different -- I'm almost not sure how it wound up on the 'page'. As I think about all of my art and photography, I realize that it is an extension of my holistic memory - so not just visual memory, but all senses, emotions, and thoughts.
As I was working on Facets, I was thinking of my kids, growing up, the possibility, their blank pages ahead. To capture the innocence and the desire, the good and the touch of evil, the flight from childhood into maturity, invincibility and fear, the chaos and the calm -- the awake-ness, the alive-ness, and the ability to see things others don't.
The absolute magic of being 17!
I love how it really captures the innocence of youth. You really get the sense that everything is possible as you look in to those beautiful eyes. Another great job Ann.